The world. A big place yet whenever we think about our problems we always think it is the biggest thing in the world. When in actual fact it isn't. We are just one tiny spect of dust in a big world filled of problems. However because most of us are thinking of number 1 (ourselves) we tend to forget about the 6 Billion other people out their who could be suffering more than you.
Sometimes we can't help but think of our problems as the biggest thing that is going on because we are just dealing with a small part of the world in our lives. Dealing with Univeristy, Dealing with friends, Dealing with family. The list goes on, therefore it is no wonder we only really think of our own problems when we only experience a small fragment of what the world is offering us.
Everyone has problems, whether they are big or small. They are still problems. The question is how do we deal with them? Some people ignore them and let them sort out in their own time, they face the problem head on and sort it out or they can deal with it in everyone persons own way.
I deal with my problems by either thinking on them or facing them head on. They have been times were i have ran and hid from them because they were just to much to handle.
Well so far my problems were not sorted. I did sort of them out but them they mixed theselves up so i really don't know how to handle them at the moment. hopefully they will sort them selves out in time and i am hoping i like the outcome.
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